Kelly Rowland Post-Baby

Post baby Workout Plan

Throughout my pregnancy, I was active the entire time. Really active. And I’ve always worked out five or six days a week, so my doctor encouraged me to keep it up—but only with activities and exercises that were safe and didn’t push my heart rate too much. As my due date neared, I found myself in serious withdrawal from high-intensity interval training, and missed running, which I had stopped a few weeks prior. I couldn’t wait to break a sweat and feel my heart race once the baby arrived.

And while I want to jump right into those intense workouts now that my baby is here, first I need to focus on being kind to my body: giving it the rest it deserves, napping when I can and, of course, doting on my little one. But yeah, I want a fit, sculpted post-baby body, too! So, yes, I’ve weighed myself a couple of times, but I realize that giving myself time is also key. I still look pregnant to the outside world, and that’s totally normal: Experts estimate that it can take almost eight weeks for the uterus to shrink down to its pre-pregnancy size. I’m not going to look like I did last July overnight, but I’m excited to work toward a fit, strong physique.

I’m trying to get outside daily for fresh air, sunshine and a one-mile walk to get the blood flowing. I’ve done upper body moves—biceps curls, triceps extensions, shoulder presses, seated rows—with five-pound dumbbells while sitting in a chair. This helps to not active your core—it isn’t safe to work your abs immediately after giving birth as your muscles are out of position and your uterus and organs are shifting back into place.

These tiny spurts of cardio and strength moves make me feel less like an emotional zombie struggling with waves of exhaustion and more like me—a clear-headed, fit, I’ve-got-this Mommy. But hey, if you’re not ready to start moving, that’s OK—and always consult your doctor if you have any questions about your return to activity.

In this space, my post-baby body diary of sorts, I’ll share my journey as I work on my body and to reclaim my identity as a strong, active, smart, healthy woman. One who loves working out, margaritas, date night with the husband, all three of my kiddos, spending time with my girlfriends, manicures and massages.

Post-Baby Workout Routines: Back Extensions
Post-Baby Workout Routines: Back Extensions
Post C-Section Workout Plan | eHow
Post C-Section Workout Plan | eHow
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