Muscle and Fitness
In many respects calves are the red-headed stepchild of the bodybuilding game. Seriously. Let’s take a look at what training calves entails from a mental and physical standpoint. – Training calves is excruciatingly painful. – Training calves feels time consuming. – Training calves feels worthless because students of the gym rarely see the results they…
A year or so ago, everyone was doing the D. DUP that is. DUP is Daily Undulating Periodization. It got pretty damn popular mainly because guys like Layne Norton were following DUP routines and getting great results in terms of size and strength. I myself was on a DUP split for over a year.…
Everyone can appreciate the importance of an exercise program and good nutrition when trying to achieve fitness goals. These are the foundations for muscle growth, staying lean, looking good, and feeling great. Hormones are another piece of the fitness puzzle. Do you know which hormones you need to optimize to build muscle? Click To Tweet Hormones…
As a coach, one of the things I’m constantly asked by people is “What’s the best workout program for fat loss?” Everyone wants to know what’s going to help them shred maximum fat, without spending hours in the gym. To those people, the first thing I always say is that they need to be prioritizing…


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