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Free workout Routines for Men

Everyone's got a workout of their own—their "go-to" routine. But is your routine good enough? We asked our Men's Fitness Facebook friends if they had a killer routine to share and subject to the scrutiny of our readers. The big catch? Our team of training experts also review it, critique it and tweak it if necessary.

Workout Submission

Jacob Wetzel: Men's Fitness Facebook Friend

Monday & Thursday

Bench Press - 4x5
Incline Bench Press - 3x8
Shoulder Press - 3x8
Push-ups/Inverted Row - 3x15/3x10
Front/Lateral/Rear Delt Raises - 3x12 each lift
Dips - 3xFailure
Skull Crushers/Triceps Extension - 3x10/3x12

Squat - 3x5
Glute Ham - 4x8
Single Leg Squats/DB Chest Fly- 3x8/3x12
Pull-ups - 3xFailure
Lat Pull Down - 3x10
Barbell Biceps Curl - 3x10
Abs Circuit - Sit-ups/Side Bends/Leg Raises- 3x25/15/Failure

Deadlift - 3x5
Glute Ham - 4x8
Single Leg Squats/DB Incline Chest Fly - 3x8/3x12
Pull-ups - 3xFailure
Lat Pull Down - 3x10
Barbell Biceps Curl - 3x10
Abs Circuit- Sit-ups/Russian Twist/Leg Raises - 3x25/15/Failure

Expert Assessment #1

Pros: "I like that you've given some thought to your overall routine. Your volume is impressive—this program will definitely help pack on some lean muscle. And your using f'in awesome lifts - squat, dead, bench, pulls, dips - these are staples to any smart program. The fact that you hate cardio makes me smile. No worries there, as many body builders will attest, you can get shredded with heavy weights and a clean diet. No cardio necessary."

Cons: "3x5, 4x5, 3x8, 3x15, 3xFailure, 3x25—in the name of Weider, you've got damn near every set x rep range in this program. As a general rule, you can develop two strength qualities at a time AND one of those two should be emphasized in a program. That means ONE to TWO set x rep schemes (of course, there are exceptions to this—but follow the rules before you break them). You're also doing 26 sets of chest specific work per week (NOT including dips) and 3 sets of squats. 26 vs 3. Keep this routine going, you'll eventually topple over. "

Comments: "First of all, clean up your rep ranges. Stick with 4x8 for all of your big lifts (this could change in four weeks or so). Your auxiliary blocks can be 3x12. To balance out your routine, pair up squats and S.L. squat with your bench (on Mon & Thur) and keep your deadlifts and glute/ham with your upper-pull day (Tue & Fri). Also, get rid of the random-ass DB incline chest fly on Tue and Fri and the inverted row on Mon and Thur. That gives you a total body push and a total body pull day twice per week—a solid recipe for an equally solid physique."

Expert Assessment #2

Pros: "Big movements like bench press, squats, deadlifts and pull-ups? Check. A variety of rep ranges targeted to make you stronger and bigger? Check. Doing an equal amount of lower body and upper body work? Check. Using mainly free weights? Check. You hate cardio? Check. I think I just found my new workout partner."

Cons: "Your rep ranges are a little all over the place. When designing a training program you really want to pick a primary objective and maybe a secondary objective, for example strength as a primary with hypertrophy as a secondary. You have strength (4x5), hypertrophy (3x8) and strength-endurance (3x12) all lumped into the same program. Get more focused. And speaking of focus, why do all your push exercises targeting chest and shoulders get their own day but legs, back, bi's and abs all have to share a day? Unless chest and shoulders are weaknesses you are trying to bring up (which is really rare—most people are weaker in their backs and legs) make sure all your prime movers are getting an equal share of the work."

Comments: "You have some solid movements and you are definitely getting in a ton of volume which is ideal for packing on muscle. You would benefit from a bit more organization in your program. Why not try two upper body days (maybe built on bench press and rows one day and pull-ups and military press the other) and two lower body days (squats and glute-ham raise on the first and deadlift and lunges the next). Fill in those workouts with some accessory lifts that you are already including and you'll get bigger and more shredded than a double pulled pork sandwich. Just don't actually eat the sandwich."

Source: www.mensfitness.com
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