Trx workouts pdf

TRX Beginners Workout

Hello friends and happy Monday! I hope you had a fabulous weekend. Mine was filled with the Olympics but nothing super exciting. So instead of a recap, I have a marvelous workout to share with you. Thanks to Katie for hosting this Marvelous in my Monday party!

As promised, this TRX workout is designed for beginners. One of the things I hear most often when I talk about TRX, including in response to my TRX beginner tips, is that people want to try it, but aren’t sure what to do and don’t want to look silly (you wouldn’t, but I get it ). My goal with this workout is to introduce you to some basic moves and give you something you can pull up on your phone at the gym so you know what to do.

This workout is an interval workout, which is very common for TRX. Each move is performed for 30 seconds. Move as quickly as you can from one move to the next. They are staggered to focus on upper body, lower body, and core so you shouldn’t need to rest in between (but of course, if you do need a rest, take it). As you advance, feel free to increase the interval. I typically do 30-60 second intervals depending on what I’m doing. The exercises are split into two mini circuits and you’ll repeat each circuit three times. Form notes for the exercise appear below the graphic.

PLEASE NOTE: If you haven’t used the TRX before, please checkout my beginner tips. They apply to all of the exercises and are not included in the form notes.

Form Notes:

Most of these notes reference the non-TRX version of the exercise (squat, lunge, plank, etc) and they assume you are familiar with the proper form for those exercises. If you are not familiar with the non-TRX version, please please please make sure you understand the proper form before you attempt the TRX versions.

  • Chest press - For me, the easiest way to think about this move is to think of it as a push-up with your hands in the straps. Your elbows should come along your sides at roughly a 45 degree angle. The straps should be outside your arms. Keep your wrists straight.
  • Squat - The form here is almost identical to a normal squat but your weight is further in your heels since you have the TRX for support. Make sure you are using your legs, not pulling with your arms.
  • Rows - Keep your wrists straight. When your arms are extended, your palms should be facing the ground. As you pull your bodyweight up, rotate your hands so that at the top of the movement, your palms are facing inward. Keep your elbows in so they are shaving along your ribs.
  • Plank - This is just like a normal forearm plank, but your feet are in the straps. If you’re anchored to a wall, make sure your feet aren’t touching the wall (that’s cheating).
  • Reverse lunges - Again, this is similar to a reverse lunge. However, you aren’t really stepping back on your back leg, you are floating it back. When you first start, tap your back toe to the ground as lightly as possible. Work up to the full version where you hover the back leg without touching the ground. Remember to use your legs, the straps are just for balance. Do 30 seconds on your right leg first, then switch to your left.
  • Bicep curls - Hold the straps with your arms extended out in front of you, palms up. As you perform the bicep curl, keep the 90 degree angle between your upper arms and your torso (this is harder than it sounds). Control the movement as you lower back down, don’t just drop.
  • Hamstring curls - With your heels in the straps and your toes pressing against the handles, press up into a reverse plank with your shoulders on the ground. Your body should be in one long line from your shoulders, through your hips and legs, to your feet. From this position, pull your heels in towards your butt without changing the position of your torso.
  • Tricep press - Face away from the anchor point holding the straps above your head and your palms facing forward. The motion is similar to a normal overhead tricep press. Keep your elbows just at the edge of your peripheral vision. Your upper arms should not be moving, your elbows should be anchored in place, the only motion should be your forearms
  • Knee tucks - Start in plank position, top of a push-up, shoulders over wrists, feet in the loops. Pull your knees in toward your chest, return to start, repeat.

As always, please post a comment if you have a question – if you’re wondering, someone else probably is too – or you can always email me at busybod at ymail dot com.

25 Minute TRX Beginner Instructional Workout
25 Minute TRX Beginner Instructional Workout
TRX Beginner Workout
TRX Beginner Workout
Beginners: How to do a Trx workout
Beginners: How to do a Trx workout

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