3 Effective Daily Workout

Beginning Resistance Band Workout

hunter hayesI didn’t get a chance to check in last night, because I was busy screaming over multiple country singers like a thirteen-year-old. When it comes to celebrities, I’ll never grow up.

I went to the Guitar Pull with my friend Aubrie, stayed out past my bed time, wore heels for the first time in forever, and got to hug up on Kip Moore. I’d say the evening was a success. What I haven’t been as successful with lately is finding time for actual workouts. I’ve done my best to move around, but I have been failing miserably at keeping up any sort of running or weight routine. It’s getting bad, guys. I think it’s about time to get back to basics: quick, simple workouts with stuff I can lug around anywhere I go. Resistance bands were the first thing that popped into my head. The problem is that I was at a total loss on how to use the ones I had. I’ve owned them for a long time, but I only occasionally incorporate them into my workout. It’s shameful, really.

If you’re like me and need to brush up on your resistance band skills, this workout is for you. I swear I’m this close to stashing a few bands in my little cubicle, so I can at least stretch out every once and a while. The awkward stares would be worth it, right?

And now for a breakdown of the moves:

Bicep Curls: Stand with your feet together, holding the handle of a resistance band in each hand. Step onto the middle of the band, keeping your feet about hip-width distance apart and your hands down by your side. Simultaneously bend both elbows, bringing your forearms toward your chest. Slowly return to the starting position.

Front Squats: Stand on the middle of the band with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Grab each end of the band and bring your hands above your shoulders, palms facing forward. Squat down, keeping your chest up and core tight. Rise back up to start position.

resistance band workoutShoulder Presses: Loop the middle of the band under one of your feet and then step your other foot forward, so that you end up in a split stance. Grab the ends of the band in each hand and bring your hands up to your shoulders, palms facing out. Press your arms directly over your head. Slowly release to the starting position.

Bent Over Rows: Grab each end of a resistance band and stand on the middle of the band. Bend slightly at the knees and hinge at the waist. Let your arms hang by your side with your palms facing in toward your body. Bend your elbows, pulling the band up toward your hips. Squeeze your shoulder blades together until your elbows form a 90-degree angle. Slowly release your arms to the starting position.

Flutter Kicks: Sit down with your legs extended straight out in front of you. Loop one handle of the resistance band on each foot and grab the center of the band with your hands. Lie onto your back, pressing your lower spine into the floor. Lift both legs slightly off of the floor. Holding the center of the band, move your legs up and down slowly, keep your navel tucked into your spine.

Source: runprettyblog.com
20-Minute Resistance Band Workout Video
20-Minute Resistance Band Workout Video
resistance bands.how to increase running speed.beginning
resistance bands.how to increase running speed.beginning ...
10 Minute Resistance Band Workout
10 Minute Resistance Band Workout

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